Why Plant?

Trees are a key element of life on Earth. They produce oxygen, they foster biodiversity, they control erosion, they mitigate climate change and so much more!

A tree produces oxygen

Using photosynthesis, a tree converts water and carbonic gas into enough oxygen to sustain two persons for a year.

It helps against climate change

In order to grow, a tree spends its lifetime feeding on carbonic gas. With an average consumption of 10 kg of carbonic gas a year, a tree helps reduce the additional amount of carbon in the atmosphere which is a cause of climate change.

It improves the quality of water

A tree filters and recycles rainwater through its roots and leaves, and converts it in purified water. This 100% natural process is essential to the restocking and stability of groundwater levels.

It reduces erosion

Tree roots are essential for preventing landslides by holding the ground and fighting erosion, specially near riverbanks, slopes and mounds. In arid countries, trees form a natural barrier against desert progression.

It cleanses the air

The tree leaves act as actual natural air filters by trapping wind-borne dust and contaminants and thus improving the quality of the air we breathe.

It regulates extreme climate changes and protects against heat.

Using the process of evapotranspiration, a tree releases humidity in the atmosphere which affects the humidity levels and regulates the climate extremes.

It ensures biodiversity

Trees and forests host, feed and shelter 80% of all terrestrial animal species.

It regulates extreme climate changes and protects against heat

Sources of food (fruit, game, mushrooms...), firewood, timber and even medication, the trees and forests provide a livelihood to 1.6 billion people.